Breaking News: Facebook’s Big Announcement – More People, Less Pages

12 January 2018 - Danni W.

It is our great pleasure to say that this is our official announcement for the launch of our brand new course! Ready to go live on November 10th, 2017, the course is made for those starting out their career, those looking to broaden their skill-set or anyone interested in SEO and digital marketing. ... Read more

iMod Education New Course Announcement

3 November 2017 - Danni W.

The writing’s been on the wall. Literally. During last year Facebook tested an idea where they placed pages and their content in the “Explore” tab to separate them from personal posts from family and friends. This was a vision into the future and... Read more

Essential Digital Marketing Skills To Land Your Dream Job In 2018

31October 2017 - Simon P.

Do you want to change careers in 2018? Do you need to up-skill before next year? To land a lucrative job (or promotion) in digital marketing you need to ensure that your skill set matches the diverse, evolving environment that marketing professionals find themselves ... Read more

The Key To Unlocking Your Website's Full Potential in 2018

30 October 2017 - Simon P.

We are going to go back to the tactic that still provides the best return on your investment: Search Engine Optimisation.  ... Read more

Simon Said | A Graduate’s Take on the iMod SEO Course

25 August 2017 - Simon P.

I have a confession to make.

Up until a few days ago, I had not attempted nor completed an online course. In fact, I have not done a single course outside of my tertiary studies, offline or otherwise (well, I did do a standup comedy course in London. More about that some other time…)

So I was relatively excited and curious to see what experience iMod Education’s SEO Course had in store for me. I was ready. Sit down. Sign up. Start.

... Read more

10 Awesome eLearning Trends & Predictions to Watch in 2017

2 February 2017 - Danni W.

If you’re as much of an online geek and fan of eLearning and the convenience that it provides as we are, you’re sure to be just as excited over what has been predicted to make waves in the industry in 2017.

If you haven’t hopped onto the online learning bandwagon, then this may just be your year to get with the program and realise your full potential in one or more of the exciting online learning channels available.

Here’s a list of what to look out for this year ... Read more

5 Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp Over The Holidays

13 December 2016 - Danni W.

Fairy lights everywhere, Boney M and Abba in the supermarkets, tinsel from shedding Christmas trees, giant “SALE” signs wearing Santa hats. The holiday season is here for real! After this introduction I won’t blame you for thinking, “exactly, so why would I even think... Read more